GS-48 Spiker/Seeder
This simple, yet effective machine lets you
overseed and aerate in One Pass!

​The GS-48 Spiker/Seeder is the flagship of the T.I.P. turf equipment line. Offered in both Pull-Type and 3-Point models, with a manually operated or electric actuated seed box, and with standard hydraulics or an optional 12-volt electric pump (for Pull-Type model only), there is a Spiker/Seeder that will fit any application.

Over 1200 replaceable stainless steel spikes, places 75-80 holes per square foot.
Different length spikes available.
Rear Brush Attachment also available.
Relieves surface compaction for a more efficient gas exchange.
Provides more efficient water usage.

Improves drainage; solves dry spots.
Percolates and loosens soil which promotes healthier turf.
Improves seed to soil contact.
Higher germination rates.
Reduces seed and chemical costs.
Less disruptive to putting surfaces.
Great for greens, fairways, and athletic fields.

In Action